Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Survival gear for camp


  1. Parent Comment:
    Should the first layer top be a polyprop top - this will keep the sweat away from the skin and stop cotton t-shirt feeling wet and maybe cold? The collared shirt is a good idea to protect from sunburn - sun at altitude is stronger and harsher. The crossing is a huge walk - I have done it and have great respect for anyone who completes it.

  2. Hey Geordie that's a great slideshow I liked how you put the picture of amreen and a picture from the internet with an explanation. You could improve by maybe making the slideshow a little bit slower as I could not read all of it before the side changed.Check out my blog at:

  3. Well done Geordie, I liked the way you included the pictures of Amrene and also the arrows with the other pictures this made it nice and clear. The only thing I noticed was no full stops so if added this would be perfect.Come check out my blog at
    Cheers Sam

  4. Hi Geordie,
    Nice work I love the detail and creativity in this piece of work.
    Tamzin R

  5. Hi Goerdie,
    Great work, I reckon you have put in a lot of effort to do this.

  6. Hi, I Enjoyed reading your survival layers slide show.
